lundi 3 décembre 2007

[*My fEeLiNgS AbOuT ThE ScHoOl !*]

°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°The beginning*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°°*°*°*
When I was in primary school at City-Jonction, I did not want to
leave this school, for fear of losing my friends, failing college, of I feared I would have difficulties integrating. I thought about thing of it during the vacations of summer.

When I arrived at Grandes-Communes college everything went very well even from a
social point of view.

I made new friends while keeping the old one.

You know student at college are "divided" into groups.
You had "sk8tters", "rappeurs", "perdu", "stylé", "connus" (which regrouped especially “rappeurs” and “stylé”).
I joined the "connus", I say that I was lucky because it "connus" were most respected contrarily to in “perdu" who were always became threatened, insulted by the "connus".
Me contrary I felt commiseration towards them and defended them when one to teach my friends bothered them.

After 3 years at college, I must had to change school, to go to the secondary school. With this change, I became doubtful and insecure again.

But once again, I succeeded in overcoming my fears.

My feeling compared to the school depends especially on my mood.
It depends on lessons I have, on the grades, on the exams...

It also depends on my mood. If for instance I am angry or tired, my day at the school will be a true Hell!!! But on the opposite it I am in a good mood, I will spend a good day and nothing will be able to change it. (Except a poor grade!) : (

In my opinion, the school is a source of hate, sadness as well as a source of joy and happiness! the school can be nice for some and unpleasant for others. For me it is only a small chapter of my life with its difficulties and its joy that I overcome has every time!;)

°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°ThE EnD!°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°°*°*°

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